Hand rolled copper half pipe wall hanging sculptures with bead rolled design relief and torch flame painting techniques applied to release a variety of colors stored within the copper. Finished...
Hand rolled copper half pipe wall hanging sculptures with bead rolled design relief and torch flame painting techniques applied to release a variety of colors stored within the copper. Finished...
Copper Art Panel Sculpture Wall Hanging hand formed into a ribbon curving in and out from the wall. This piece adds an exciting shape to any wall. Torch flame coloration...
Hand formed copper panel wall hanging gently curving forward from the wall. Meticulously torch flame painted to bring out the colors hidden within the copper. Bead rolling relief, which adds...
Hand rolled copper half pipe wall hanging sculptures with bead rolled design relief and torch flame painting techniques applied to release a variety of colors stored within the copper. Finished...
Hand formed copper panel wall hanging gently curving forward from the wall. Meticulously torch flame painted to bring out the colors hidden within the copper. Bead rolling relief, which adds...
Hand formed copper panel wall hanging gently curving forward from the wall. Meticulously torch flame painted to bring out the colors hidden within the copper. Bead rolling relief, which adds...
Copper Art Panel Sculpture Wall Hanging hand formed into a ribbon curving in and out from the wall. Whether hung vertical or horizontal this piece adds an exciting shape to...
Hand rolled copper half pipe wall hanging sculptures with bead rolled design relief, torch flame-painting, and patina techniques applied to release a variety of colors stored within the copper. This...